Legal compliance to the Italian personal data protection law Code

The current Italian personal data protection laws (Legislative Decree 196/2003) establish a number of obligations to be met by any subject, both public and private dealing with personal and / or sensitive data. Article 34 establishes that "the treatment of personal data" is allowed only to those who, among other things, keep "an updated programmatic document on security".

In particular the new Privacy Code, in force since January 1, 2004, states in Annex B ('technical specifications regarding minimum security measures ") that the programmatic document on security has to be drafted or updated by March 31st (rule 19 of Annex B).

Therefore Secure Edge can also provide valuable support to companies in the following fulfilments:

· Drafting/updating of the Security Programmatic Document

· Periodical audit on Dlgs.196/2003 compliance

· Training and awareness